
Introduction to Vipassana

Vipassana is a simple, practical technique to achieve genuine peace of mind and lead a happy, meaningful life. Vipassana, which means ‘to see things as they really are,’ is a logical process of mental purification through self-observation.


AI in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Disease Prevention, Control, and Precision Medicine

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and the field of healthcare is no exception. With advancements in technology, AI has become an invaluable tool in the prevention


Drug repurposing using Artificial Intelligence

How machine learning can be used to find new therapeutic uses for already-approved medications, potentially cutting down on the time and expense of drug development.


Institute – Industrial Research Collaboration

Research plays a very important role in the development process of innovation. Core research activities are conducted in various research laboratories and institutes


Design Thinking – A way of life!

A socio-technical system (STS) is the one that considers requirement inclusive of hardware, software, personal, and community aspects which applies an understanding of the social structures, roles and rights to


Why cancer is difficult to cure?

One in every six deaths is caused by cancer, making it one of the most devastating diseases in the world. There is no one cure to cancer. It cannot be attended with well-developed methodology such that in bacterial infections or common cold.


Let’s trade shoes for a minute

Isha Ghadge  Final year, B pharm   Think about it. What if we live from the perspective of our parents? Almost all of our parents have lectured us on the overuse of technology from a very young age. Frankly, we never gave any thought to what they meant by that. […]


Metaverse in Medicine

  Mohd Faizan Mujawar Class: Final year B.Pharmacy   Firstly, there seems to be a cloud of confusion around the idea of the metaverse. What is it exactly? And how does it affect our life? In simple words, Metaverse is a new reality. It is a 3D virtual world that […]


Is Work from Home the new norm?

Life changed dramatically when the world was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. It was at this time that the world had suddenly come to a pause, and it was the worst health crisis in a country.


Prophecy of Perspective

Aditi Vaidya Final Year B. Pharm 2021 - 2022 It was a bright sunny Sunday morning during the summer vacation of school. I, with all the observation skills that an eight-year-old could have, was peering outside my window. The swaying of leaves, bright flowers in full bloom, clear blue sky, [...] Read more...