Extension Cell (Anubandh)
Extension activities are “Institute’s citizenship” and promote positive social and environmental change. Extension activities are not charity or mere donations. It’s a way of imparting education, by which institute visibly contributes to the social good. Extension cell works in coordination with NSS, APGA, Gender Champion and Ecorangers, together termed as “Anubandh”.

Helping creates better tomorrow
Objectives: The objectives of Extension Cell are:

Major extension activities include:
- Awareness regarding disease like: Diabetes, Cancer, Thalassemia (through Datri Stem Cell Registry, Pune, Division), Menstrual hygiene awareness creation activity.
- Youth Day celebration/ Yoga Day celebration
- AIDS related work with Manavya , an NGO working towards upliftment of AIDS affected children
- Women empowerment programmes (organization of Seva Fair for the sale of products prepared by underprivileged section of society along with Seva Sahayog NGO,Pune
- Work with Kirloskar Vasundhara International Film Festival(KVIFF) which combines film screenings and allied activities related to environment.
- Gender Sensitization related activities by organizing such programmes based on the subject.
- Activities related to particular need of the hour, like our work with Sohum Trust during Corona Pandemic for underprivileged people on streets.
These activities at a glance:

Impact of such Activities:
Our Social partners | Involvement of Students | Awards and Appreciation from NGOs.

Evidence: Awards received (in the form of certificate/Receipts/Memento)
- B.J.Medical ,College, Pune
- Manavya, NGO, Pune
- Pune Chest Hospital, Aundh, Pune
- MatoshriVruddhashram”, Karve Nagar, Pune-411052.
- Datri blood stem cell donors registry, Chennai, India.
- Seva Sahayog Foundation, Pune
- Soham Trust (Dr. Abhijit Sonawane) Shivaji Nagar, Pune