Testimonies of 23-24

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for my mentor, Dr. Mrunalini Damle. Her unwavering support and encouragement have greatly contributed to my academic progress. Dr. Damle’s expertise, coupled with her willingness to help, has been invaluable to me, especially as I explore future career opportunities in the industry.
Madam helped me navigate the balance between academics and extracurricular activities. She creates a positive and friendly atmosphere during our sessions, which make it easy to engage and learn. Moreover, her openness to feedback and suggestions regarding her mentoring demonstrates her commitment to my growth.
I truly appreciate the time and effort she is investing in my development, and I am thankful for her continued support.
Nandini Bhandari- Final year
Academic year 2024-2025
Objective of Counseling/ Mentoring Cell AISSMSCOP:
Beginning one’s life at the University Level normally involves a very important transition. There are opportunities to be taken and challenges to be met, all while adjusting to change. We at the AISSMSCOP understand that everyone needs to be listened to. We want to be there for students who need a listening ear. So, never be afraid to say what you feel to the Mentors.
Mentor is someone with a specific set of skills, knowledge and significant experience provides free support to the one in need through listening, giving constructive feedback, and provoking reflection.
The power of mentoring
If you don’t have a mentor, you need one. Why? Because to have a mentor is the most important thing you can do to set yourself up for success in life. There is plenty of research to back it up. For example, people who have a mentor are:
- 55% more likely to complete university
- 130% more likely to end up in leadership positions in their careers
- 56% more likely to volunteer in the community
- 45% less likely to develop a depressive disorder
Mentoring has been linked to higher self-esteem, self-confidence, stronger relationships with family and peers, and improved interpersonal skills. If you have a mentor, you’re more likely to succeed at work. Get a mentor and be a mentor! You’re missing out if you don’t.
The benefits of mentoring are now so well-established that back in January 2017, then-President Barack Obama declared that month “Mentoring Month.”
Types of Mentoring at AISSMS COP
1.Professional Mentoring
We at AISSMS COP provide our students professional counseling through IHHI (Institute of Holistic Healing India). IHHI is trusted, authoritative source of destination in health and holistic healing as an alternative medicine. It is a catalyst for healing mind, body and soul. The professional Counselor’s Mrs. Sfurti Kane and Mrs. Priya Patwardhan of IHHI counsel students for various issues related to learning, stress, depression, relationship difficulties, lack of confidence and various other problems.
AISSMS COP provides professional mentoring to its students every Monday and Friday between 2-4pm in college premises.
2.In-House Mentoring by the teaching faculty:
An experienced mentor can help students understand the concepts they learn in the classroom and so we at AISSMS COP provide Faculty Mentoring. The teachers motivate students to undergo various co-curricular, extracurricular activities that change the personality of a student and guide for developing a successful career. The teachers guide the students regarding the syllabus, General Rules & Regulations, University and sessional exams, competitive exams, higher studies, and various Scholarships and courses. If any specific issues are found, then those students are guided to take professional counseling from IHHI Counselors.
3.Buddy Mentoring- Mentoring provided thorough senior students:
We provide the Buddy mentoring system at AISSMS COP where the Third year students mentor the first year and further the same students in Final year college mentor the second year students as the senior students can advice and be a support system for their juniors in terms of career and enjoying the learning experience in college. One faculty member is always associated with these buddy mentor students to have a watchful eye.