Dr. Santosh V Gandhi,
Professor – Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, the education process in developing countries like India is drastically changing.
Although it is common practice in developed countries for educators to use online teaching or flipped classroom methodologies; the education in India is majorly by traditional classroom teaching with face to face interaction.
One must understand that teaching-learning is a two way and interactive process for better understanding of theoretical concepts as well as developing practical skills. On the background of COVID 19 pandemic lockdown and physical distancing, the teachers have quickly undergone learning, training and adoption of online teaching pedagogy. But for effective online learning, the students also have to develop some of the skills. It also requires specific computer skills and learning strategies in the online classroom.
Here are few expectations from learners
- Perseverance
Perseverance is a key factor to online learning. Students must be able to tackle technical problems, practice regularly on each lecture and ask for help whenever needed.
- Get Organized
Although e-content avails your flexibility in online learning but for classes with a set time table students must be able to manage time well. Have to check on the syllabus for a subject, Stick to a routine class schedule and complete assignments on time. Study the e-books, course material and have a revision of prior class before attending the next one. Be present in the online class at least 5 minutes before.
- Communication Skills
Don’t hesitate to communicate with your teacher. Use of appropriate way of communication tools like a chat box, text messaging, email to professor will help solve your problem. Be open-minded and reach to your professor.
- Technical Skills
Students can go through online tutorials for effective use of an online platform for learning. Check hardware and software requirements and get aligned accordingly.
- Reading and Writing Skills
Students should get comfortable reading a document on a mobile/computer screen and learn to type along. Many of online assignments will require writing short answers.
- Set Up Your Workspace (Study Environment)
Choose a quiet place and stay away from distractions (Avoid taking calls, messaging, playing games during lecture). Let other family and friends know your lecture schedule, so they will not disturb you. Use apps like Freedom or Cold Turkey to boundary disruptions and block social media sites that might seek your attention during lectures.
- Motivation
Self-motivated learners quickly grasp the content in an online class. Keep yourself active and participative during class by raising hands, asking and answering questions in chatbox. Don’t be scared to reach out to your professor to ask relevant questions.
If you do lag behind, speak up. Remember teachers are always ready to help students
Happy Learning!