Sr. no. | Authors ( Mark * for presenting author) | Conference Details(oral/poster, title, at conference, held at, sponsor, abstract no) | N/IN | |
Staff | Students | |||
1 | Dr.Monica RP Rao | Ashok P. Achane, Praful Suryawanshi | International conference on Ionvoation Pharmacy. Pharmaceutical research:”Accelerating Discoveries with Artifical Intelligence” Optimizing efonidipine solubility :A Comparative analysis of complexing agents and processing methods | IN |
2 | Dr.Monica RP Rao | Shatakshi S. Gaikwad, Ashutosh S. Talathi | International conference on Ionvoation Pharmacy. Pharmaceutical research:”Accelerating Discoveries with Artifical Intelligence” Cosmeceutical nanoemulgel containing curcumin with photoprotective and antioxidant property | IN |
3 | Rahul Padalkar | *Avanti Puranik, Shrawani Nighot, Pradnya Magdum | International Students Research Convention, Anveshan 2024. Organized by Association of Indian Universities, held at University of Mumbai | IN |
4 | Rahul Padalkar | *Anushka Shinde, Shreya Lohakare, Nikhil Marathe | International Students Research Convention, Anveshan 2024. Organized by Association of Indian Universities, held at University of Mumbai | IN |
5 | Rahul Padalkar | *Anushka Shinde, Shreya Lohakare | Inter University Research Convention Avishkar 2023-24, Organized by Govt of Maharashtra, held at MUHS, Nashik | N |
6 | Rahul Padalkar | Avanti Puranik, *Shrawani Nighot, Pradnya Magdum, Shreyash Barde, Parth Shewale | Young Pharmacist Innovative Project Award, Organized by SVB’s College of Pharmacy, Dombiwali | N |
7 | Rahul Padalkar | *Anushka Shinde, Shreya Lohakare, Nupur Tilekar, Riddhi Dube | 2nd Amrut Pharmathon 2024, Organized by Amrutvahini College of Pharmacy, Sangamner | N |
8 | Rahul Padalkar | *Rutuja Sultanpure | 2nd Amrut Pharmathon 2024, Organized by Amrutvahini College of Pharmacy, Sangamner | N |
9 | Dr. Reshma Mirajkar | Mr. Rohan Bhore, Mr. Yash Daga, Ms. Pratiksha Baravkar, Ms. Pranita Date, Ms. Kalyani Dhanokar | Oral poster presentation on “Probiotics containing Multipurpose Emulgel” at EntrepreNex: The Startup Fest 2024, held at 2nd and 3rd March 2024 at JSPM University Pune, Sponsored by JSPM University, Pune. (Abstract no – P10) | N |
10 | Dr. Reshma Mirajkar | Mr. Rohan Bhore, Mr. Yash Daga, Ms. Pratiksha Baravkar, Ms. Pranita Date, Ms. Kalyani Dhanokar | Oral poster-ppt presentation on “Multipurpose Probiotic Emulgel” at METRxPLORE 2024 held at 23rd March 2024 at MET Bhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik, Sponsored by METS Institute of Pharmacy, Nashik. (Abstract no – PH 32 (1st)) | N |
11 | Jitendra W Gajbe | *Bandenawaz | Participating In National Level E-poster Competition for Pharma students 2023 Organized by the Sharadchandra Pawar College of Pharmacy on Occasion of World Pharmacist Day hel on 25th september 2023 | N |
12 | Ms. Deepika Jagadale* | Presented a poster at international Symposium held at Poona college of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth on topic ”Development and characterization of Sublingual tablet of Cilnidipine Inclusion Complex” | IN | |
13 | Dr. Shashikant V. Bhandari | Neha Raut* | Poster on national level seminar on digital transformation AI in pharma : A Roadmap to Industry 4.0 held at alard college of pharmacy,Pune | N |
14 | Mrs. Kalyani Asgaonkar | Ms. Dipti Ghate1 , Mr. Krishna Shevate, Ms. Ashwini Sagar | Poster Presentation-“Combination of green synthesis and in silico methods for the sustainable antifungal drug discovery”. International Conference on Recent Advances on Green and Sustainable Developments (ICRAGSD-2023)-Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, 6-8th September, 2023..Organized by Green Chemistry Network Center Chapter Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, India. In collaboration with Green Chemistry Network Center, DU Royal Society of Chemistry, London Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata.Eternal univ ,BaruSahib HP, Synthetic Communications(Published by Taylor and Francis), Thieme publicaitons ,New york, Elseiver , Amsterdam, Netherlands, De Gryuter, Germany | IN |
15 | Mrs. Kalyani Asgaonkar, Mrs. S. M. Patil | Ms Pradnya Magdum, Ms Vaishnavi Chindhe | QSAR studies: One Step Forward toward Green Chemistry in Drug Discovery for Rheumatoid Arthritis. International Conference on Recent Advances on Green and Sustainable Developments (ICRAGSD-2023)-Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, 6-8th September, 2023..Organized by Green Chemistry Network Center Chapter Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, India In collaboration with Green Chemistry Network Center, DU Royal Society of Chemistry, London Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata.Eternal univ ,BaruSahib HP, Synthetic Communications(Published by Taylor and Francis), Thieme publicaitons ,New york, Elseiver , Amsterdam, Netherlands, De Gryuter, Germany |
IN |
16 | Shital Patil, and Kalyani Asgonkar | Vaishnavi Chinde, Pradnya Magdum, | Presented as poster presentation at Zonal level research project competition- AVISHKAR 2023 held at MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune on 27th October 2023. | N |
17 | Kalyani Asgaonkar, Mrs S M Patil, | Sweta Singh | 4th student research congress organized by BNCP ,co hosted by Univ of Mumbai and Industry partner ACG world and scitech 8th & 9th Dec 2023 | N |
18 | Shital Patil, and Kalyani Asgonkar | Rajas Seth | 4th student research congress organized by BNCP ,co hosted by Univ of Mumbai and Industry partner ACG world and scitech 8th & 9th Dec 2023 | N |
19 | Shital Patil, and Kalyani Asgonkar | Akshada Naik Piyush Nikhalje | 4th student research congress organized by BNCP ,co hosted by Univ of Mumbai and Industry partner ACG world and scitech 8th & 9th Dec 2023 | N |
Presentations: 2022-23
Sr. No. | Authors ( Mark * for presenting author) | Conference Details(oral/poster, title, at conference, held at, sponsor, abstract no) | N/IN | |
Staff | Students | |||
1 | Mangesh Bhalekar | Wagh Divya,Bhagyashree Patil | 72 nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress /Acess to quality and Affordable medical Products /poster/ Preparation and evaluation of Darunavir Cocrystal for solubility enhancement/ Held online between 20-22 Jan 2023. | IN |
2 | Mangesh Bhalekar | Shraddha Phalake , Yogesh Rewachandani | 72 Indian Pharmaceutical Congress /Acess to quality and Affordable medical Products /poster/ Targated Delievery of chloroquine SLN Treatment of Arthritis / Held online between 20-22 Jan 2023. | IN |
3 | Reshma N. Mirajkar | oral presentation on Development of novel herbal in situ gel for topical application in management of menstrual cramps.. MSME organized IDEATHON Competition in 2021,which was organized by A.G.Patil College of Technology,Solapur.Project were selected in the top 25. | N | |
4 | Reshma N. Mirajkar | Oral presentation on Development of novel herbal in- situ gel for topical application in the management of menstrual cramps. In-house research competition held on 2nd September 2022 won the first prize Organised by AISSMS COP | N | |
5 | Reshma N. Mirajkar | Oral presentation on Menorelief . State level Synapse Competition held on 11th November 2022 won the first prize Organised by AISSMS COP | N | |
6 | Reshma N. Mirajkar | Oral presentation on Menorelief . State level AVISHKAR 2022 Competition held on 18th November 2022 | N | |
7 | Reshma N. Mirajkar | Oral presentation on Menorelief . At UG level IDEATHON competition held by IPA,NPW won the second prize | N | |
8 | Reshma N. Mirajkar | Oral presentation on Menorelief Consolation in state level young pharmacist innovative project award held on 21 Feb 2023 | N | |
9 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Jay Sonule* | Poster presentation titled “A new stability indicating HPTLC method for estimation of Trimetazolidine diHCl and Metoprolol Tartrate” at International Conference titled “Recent Innovations: A holistic and integrated approach to Pharmaceutical Science” organized by Gokhale Education Society’s Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Nasik from 23rd to 24th Sept. 2022. | IN |
10 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Akash Bhusari* | Poster presentation titled “Difference spectrophotometric method- Hydrolytic degradation of Eluxadoline” at International Conference titled “Recent Innovations: A holistic and integrated approach to Pharmaceutical Science” organized by Gokhale Education Society’s Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Nasik from 23rd to 24th Sept. 2022. | IN |
11 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Ritesh Khairnar * | Poster presentation titled “Development of stability indicating HPTLC method and study of order of hydrolytic degradation of Molnupiravir” at International Conference titled “Recent Innovations: A holistic and integrated approach to Pharmaceutical Science” organized by Gokhale Education Society’s Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Nasik from 23rd to 24th Sept. 2022. | IN |
12 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Payal Kaitkar* | Poster presentation titled “Chromatographic standardization of Cissextract by HPLC and HPTLC-MS” at International Conference titled “Recent Innovations: A holistic and integrated approach to Pharmaceutical Science” organized by Gokhale Education Society’s Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Nasik from 23rd to 24th Sept. 2022. | IN |
13 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Rutuja Londe and Jayesh Awad* | Poster presentation titled “HPTLC method for estimation of Lupeol from Kanchan”Awad at Matoshri Miratai Aher College of Pharmacy, Ahmednagar on 28th Sept. 2022. (Third Prize) | N |
14 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Jayesh Awad* | Poster presentation titled “HPTLC method for estimation of Lupeol from Kanchan” Awad at 8th national level Poster presentation organized by College of Pharmacy, Latur on 1st Oct. 2022. | N |
15 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Suvarna Jarande* | Oral presentation titled “In-vitro anti-oxidant and anti-ACE activity of Sesbania Sesban leaves” at International Conference titled “Hart Herb: Journey from Innovation to Entrepreneurship in Herbals” organized by D Y Patil deemed to be University School of Pharmacy, Navi Mumbai from 14th to 15th Oct. 2022. | IN |
16 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Payal Kaitkar* | Oral presentation titled “Chromatographic Standardization Of Cissus Quaranmgularis L. Extracts By HPLC And HPTLC-MS ” at State Level Research presentation competition titled “SYNAPSE” organized by AISSMS College of Pharmacy, Pune on 18th Nov. 2022 | State |
17 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Ritesh Khairnar* | Oral presentation titled “Development and validation of stability indicating High Performance Thin layer Chromatographic method for Budesonide” at national Conference titled “Pharmacy: A profession contributing to Research, Innovation and Community” organized by Indira Institute of Pharmacy, Sadavali, in collaboration with APTI MS branch on 7th January 2023. | N |
18 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Suvarna Jarande* | Oral presentation titled “Potential phytochemicals from Hadjod as a Lead for Osteoporosis: In-silico investigations” at national Conference titled “Pharmacy: A profession contributing to Research, Innovation and Community” organized by Indira Institute of Pharmacy, Sadavali, in collaboration with APTI MS branch on 7th January 2023. | N |
19 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Pooja Lanke* | Oral presentation titled “Stability indicating method for Baricitinib by HPTLC” at 72nd IPC at Nagpur in 20-22 Jan 2023. | N |
20 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Payal Kaitkar* | Oral presentation titled “bioanalytical method for determination of brivaracetam in human plasma when administered concomitantly with fluconazole” at 72nd IPC at Nagpur in 20-22 Jan 2023. | N |
21 | Dr.M. C. Damle | Jay Sonule* | Oral presentation titled “Hydrolytic degradation monitoring of Roxadustat by RP-HPLC” at 72nd IPC at Nagpur in 20-22 Jan 2023. | N |
22 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Prajakta chauthe*, Manisha Jagtap | Poster presentation of research work “Development and validation of stability indicating HPTLC method for determination of Iguratimod in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form” at two days international conference on “Recent Innovation: A holistic and Integrated Approach to Pharmaceutical Science” organized by Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical education and Research, Nashik on 23rd – 24 th Sep 2022. | IN |
23 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Vrushali D. Varpe*, Varsharani S. Pawar | Poster presentation of research work “HPLC Method development and validation for estimation of Remogliflozin etabonate in bulk, formulation and dissolution media “at two days international conference on “Recent Innovation: A holistic and Integrated Approach to Pharmaceutical Science” organized by Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical education and Research, Nashik on 23rd – 24 th September 2022. | IN |
24 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Abhijeet V. Bidkar*, Shivani R. Sawarkar | Poster presentation of research work “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating HPTLC Method for Ceritinib in Bulk and Formulation” at two days international conference on “Recent Innovation: A holistic and Integrated Approach to Pharmaceutical Science” organized by Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical education and Research, Nashik on 23rd – 24 th September 2022. | IN |
25 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Sudarshan D. Galgunde*, Vinod V. Gaikwad | Poster presentation of research work “Development and Validation of Dissolution Method for Zidovudine Tablets by RP-HPLC” at two days international conference on “Recent Innovation: A holistic and Integrated Approach to Pharmaceutical Science” organized by Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical education and Research, Nashik on 23rd – 24 th September 2022. | IN |
26 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Pratiksha Waghamare, Sakshi Wable, Ishwari Sapkal, | Online poster presentation of Inhouse research work entitled “Development and Validation of Chemometric Method for Determination of Drugs” at online National Level Scientific Poster Competition organized by P. Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yawatmal on 25th September 2022. | N |
27 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Prajakta Chauthe* | Poster presentation of research work “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating HPLC Method for Pretomanid” at 72nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Nagpur on 20-22 January 2023 | IN |
28 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Vrushali D. Varpe*, Smruti C. Shinde | Poster presentation of research work “Chemometric Assisted UV Spectrophotometric Method for Quantification of Emtricitabine and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate” by at 72nd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Nagpur on 20-22 January 2023 | IN |
29 | Shashikant Bhandari | Shital Patil* | Oral Presentation in 3rd Student research congress 2022 organised by Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati college of pharmacy co-hosted by University of Mumbai on 28th September 2022 Ab no. OPhD6 | N |
30 | Shital Patil | Varsha Patil*, Vrushali Randive, Indrani Mahadik | Presented a work in poster presentation (PG/PhD Category) in 3rd Student research congress 2022 organised by Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati college of pharmacy co-hosted by University of Mumbai on 29th September 2022 | N |
31 | Kalyani Asgaonkar and Shital Patil, | Krishna Shevate*, Ashwini Sagar, Indrani Mahadik, | Presented a work in poster presentation (PG/PhD Category) in 3rd Student research congress 2022 organised by Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati college of pharmacy co-hosted by University of Mumbai on 29th September 2022 | N |
32 | Shital Patil | Indrani Mahadik*, Vrushali Randive, | Presented a work in E-poster Presentation at International Pharmanecia 3.E an International E-tech Fest (NPW) organised by Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pune and Hosted by Operant on 25/9/2022-30/9/2022. | N |
33 | K.D Asgaonkar, S.M Patil | Manjish Gupta*, Indrani Mahadik, Vrushali Randhive | Presented a work in E-poster Presentation Pharmanecia 3.E an International E-tech Fest (NPW) Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pune and Hosted by Operant Pharmacy Federation, 25th to 30th September 2022 | IN |
34 | Shital Patil, Kalyani Asgaonkar | Manjish Gupta*, Yash Daga | Presented a work in State level oral presentation competition SYNAPSE-2022 organised by AISSMS College of Pharmacy on 18th November 2022 | State |
35 | K.D Asgaonkar, S.M Patil | Krishna Shevate | Presented a work as oral presentation at Vishwa Pharma 2022 organised by Shivlingeshwar College of Pharmacy, SRTUM and APTI -Won Runner up award on 1st october 2022 | State |
36 | Shashikant Bhandari | Shital Patil* | Presented work as Poster presentation at SPPU sponsored AVISHKAR 2022 organised by AISSMS College of Engineering on 8th December 2022 | Regional |
37 | Shashikant Bhandari | Shital Patil* | Presented work as oral presentation at 10th international science congress, multidisciplinary International conference sponsored by UGC & Shivaji university, Kolhapur organised by International science community association in collaboration with Dadasaheb Jotiram Godse Arts Commerce Science College, Vaduj, khatav held on 9th December 2022 | IN |
Presentations: 2021-22 |
Sr. no. | Authors | Students | Conference Details(oral/poster, title, at conference, held at, sponsor, abstract no) | N/IN |
1 | Mangesh Bhalekar | Aishwarya Katrela, Shweta Ahire | 20th international esymposium /Advances in technology and business potential of new drug delivery systems/poster/ Formulation of SLN for topical delivery of sinapic acid to enhance its antiinflammatory activity/ Held online between 24-26 Feb 2022. | Int |
2 | Mangesh Bhalekar | Mahesh Paithankar * | Quality by Design Enabled Development and Optimization of the Nanoparticulate System of Cabazitaxel | Int |
3 | Mangesh Bhalekar | Bhagyashree Patil | 20th international esymposium /Advances in technology and business potential of new drug delivery systems/poster/ Formulation of SLN for topical delivery of sinapic acid to enhance its antiinflammatory activity/ Held online between 24-26 Feb 2022. | |
4 | Mangesh Bhalekar | Mahesh Paithankar *, Ravi Pillai | Oral /Design and Optimization of Nano Particulate System Using DoE Approach | Int |
5 | Mangesh Bhalekar | Ankita Somnath Ingale | To days International Symposium on ” Makeover of Cosmetics – Journey from Traditional to Comtemporary”, Held online on 16 – 17 july 2021 on topic of Advances in cosmetic industry. | Int |
6 | Mangesh Bhalekar | Ankita Somnath Ingale | Three days International e – Conference on “Pharmaceutical research and innovation to Tackle future health care arena”, held on 27 to 29 sept 2021 | Int |
7 | Monica RP Rao | Saloni Sakharwade*, Sayali Sugaonkar | “Treatment of acne vulgaris using dapsone loaded mixed micellar gel” at 20th International e-Symposium on Advances in technology and Business potential of New Drug Delivery Systems from 24th -26th February 2022 | IN |
8 | Monica RP Rao | Madhura Patil*, Sharwari Sapate, | “Application of SEDEM and SEDEM- ODT Expert System for Development of Orodispersible Tablets”at 20th International e-Symposium on Advances in technology and Business potential of New Drug Delivery Systems from 24th -26th February 2022. | IN |
9 | Monica RP Rao | Jidnyasa Pawar*, Sayali Kulkarni | “Improved bioavailability of cilnidipine by self nanoemulsifying drug delivery system” at 20th International e-Symposium on Advances in technology and Business potential of New Drug Delivery Systems from 24th -26th February 2022 | IN |
10 | Monica RP Rao | Sushant Deshpande*, Abhijit Valvi | ‘ Formulation and Evaluation of sunscreen emulgel of neem seed oil’ at AICTE sponsored International Conference on ‘Natural Products for Drug Discovery and Development towards healthier life in 21st century: Research, Innovation and Ideas’ organized by Modern Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Indore, MP on 12th March 2022. Secured third position. | IN |
11 | Rahul Padalkar | Isha Ghadage, Saurav Kulkarni, Namrata Rathod | Sanigreen: an auto compostable solution to prevent environmental hazards presented at Anveshan 2022 | N |
12 | Rahul Padalkar | Amey Gavaskar, Faizan Mujawar, Gargi Nikam | Helobetic: an innoative wound healing dressing system for diabetic wounds presented at Anveshan 2022 | N |
13 | Dr.Reshma Mirajkar | Jyoti Kupate Girija Kulkarni *Tanmaya Vyas Sakshi Bagal |
Development of novel herbalin situ gel for topical application in management of menstrual cramps. Startup ideathon 2021,MSME, incubation centre, A. J. Patil inst of Tech, Solapur | N |
14 | Dr.Reshma Mirajkar | *Abhishek Harne | Artificial Intelligence in health Care, National Level E poster presentation Competion on ,DY patil Deemded to be Univ School of Pharmacy, Navi Mumbai. | N |
15 | Mrinalini Damle | Shreya Mantri*, Snehal Dalvi | Poster presentation “Method development for estimation of phytoconstituents from leaf extract of Nirgundi and accelerated stability study” at International e-conference organised by Gokhale Education Society’s Dr. M.S. Gosavi COPER, Nashik | IN |
16 | Mrinalini Damle | Pooja Lanke* | Poster presentation “Herbal Remedies for Alzheimer’s Disease” at International e-conference organised by Gokhale Education Society’s Dr. M.S. Gosavi COPER, Nashik | IN |
17 | NA | Ms. Suvarna Jarande* | Oral presentation titled “ Phytochemicals from Celastrus Paniculatus (Malkangani): In-silico pharmacokinetic studies and molecular docking with multiple receptors associated with Alzheimer’s Disease” International Congress of Society for Ethnopharmacology, India SFEC-2021 27th to 29th Aug. 2021 | IN |
18 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Miss Manisha Jagtap* | Oral Presentation of research work “Development and Validation of Stabilty Indicating HPTLC Method for Determination of Iguratimod in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form” by Manisha S. Jagtap*, Santosh V. Gandhi at AICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Natural Products For Drug Discovery and Development towards Healthier Life in the 21st Century: Research, Innovation and Ideas” held at Modern Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Indore. M.P. on 12th March, 2022 | IN |
19 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Miss Varsharani Pawar* | Oral Presentation of research work “Method Development and Validation for Estimation of Remogliflozin Etabonate in Dissolution Media using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer” by Varsharani S. Pwar*, Santosh V. Gandhi at AICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Natural Products For Drug Discovery and Development towards Healthier Life in the 21st Century : Research, Innovation and Ideas” held at Modern Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Indore. M.P. on 12th March, 2022 | IN |
20 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Mr. Hanmant Bade* | Oral Presentation of research work “Development and Validation of Stabilty Indicating HPTLC Method for Determination of Favipiravir in Bulk and Pharmaceutcal Dosage Form” by Hanmant Bade*, Santosh V. Gandhi at AICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Natural Products For Drug Discovery and Development towards Healthier Life in the 21st Century: Research, Innovation and Ideas” held at Modern Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Indore. M.P. on 12th March, 2022 | IN |
21 | Dr. Santosh V. Gandhi | Miss Shivani Sawarkar* | Oral Presentation of research work “Development and Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Method for Estimation of Benzonatate in Bulk and Soft Gelatin Capsule Dosage Form” by Shivani R. Sawarkar*, Santosh V. Gandhi at AICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Natural Products For Drug Discovery and Development towards Healthier Life in the 21st Century: Research, Innovation and Ideas” held at Modern Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Indore. M.P. on 12th March, 2022 | IN |
22 | * (Kunal Pradhan) | Poster-Designing of Thiazolidin-4one Pharmacophore using QSAR studies for Anti-HIV activity- At International Conference on Recent Trends in Drug Discovery and Development-Maitreyi College,University of Delhi, 8th jan 2022 | I | |
23 | *(Shivani Jadhav) | Poster- Designing of Thiazolidin-4one Pharmacophore using QSAR studies for Anti-HIV activity-Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Pharmacy, Amravati,15th And 16th December 2021 | I | |
24 | K.D Asgaonkar, A .N Avalaskar | Amey Gavaskar*, Namrata Rathod*, Girija Kulkarni* | Pharmazest: An intercollegiate virtual Oral Presentation,DR. L. H. Hiranandani College of Pharmacy, Ulhasnagar,held on 26th June 2021 | |
25 | Kalyani Asgaonkar | Sushruti Tanksali*, Jidnaysa Jain, | Dr M S Gosavi college of Pharmaceutical education and Research, Nashik. Pharmaceutical Research and innovation to tackle future health care arena.27-29th Sept 2021 | IN |
26 | Kalyani Asgaonkar,Shital Patil | Kunal Pradhan* | Dr M S Gosavi college of Pharmaceutical education and Research, Nashik. Pharmaceutical Research and innovation to tackle future health care arena.27-29th Sept 2021 | IN |
27 | Shashikant Bhandari | Shital Patil* | Poster Presentation on ‘Pharmacophore Development Using In-Silico Approach For Anticancer Drugs As EGFR Inhibitors’ at AICTE Sponsored national conference Organised by Dadasaheb balpande College of Pharmacy Date: 3rd and 4th September 2021 (Online) Conference theme: Pharma QBD product development perspective |
N |
28 | Shashikant Bhandari | Shital Patil* | Oral Presentation on ‘In Silico Approach a robust and effective way to attain optimized pharmacophore for novel EGFR inhibitors’ at International e-conference organised by Dr. M S Gosavi Pharmaceutical Education and research, Nashik Date: 27-29 September 2021 Conference theme:Pharmaceutical research and innovation to tackle future healthcare Arena |
IN |
29 | Shital Patil Kalyani Asgaonkar | Kunal Pradhan* | Poster Presentation at International e-conference organised by Dr. M S Gosavi Pharmaceutical Education and research, Nashik Date: 27-29 September 2021 Conference theme:Pharmaceutical research and innovation to tackle future healthcare Arena |
IN |
Presentations: 2020-21 |
Sr. no. | Authors | Conference Details(oral/poster, title, at conference, held at, sponsor, abstract no) | N/IN |
1 |
Santosh V. Gandhi Namrata G. Bawaskar |
Oral presentation at 8th World Conference on Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Manufacturing of research work entitled “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating HPLC Method for Estimation of Valganciclovir” Organized by BioLeagues Worldwide and Association of Pharmaceutical Research (APR) on 17th & 18th April 2021 at Bangkok, Thailand |
IN |
2 |
Santosh V. Gandhi, Smruti C. Shinde |
Oral presentation at 8th World Conference on Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Manufacturing of research work entitled “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating HPTLC Method for Estimation of Dolutegravir” Organized by BioLeagues Worldwide and Association of Pharmaceutical Research (APR) on 17th & 18th April 2021 at Bangkok, Thailand |
IN |
3 | K.D Asgaonkar, S.M Patil. Ayush Khater*,Kshitija Abhang * | Poster-How community pharmacist are helping to manage and prevent the spread of COVID-19 Roles of pharmacist on in fighting against COVID 19 pandemic HELD on10th June2020.Hamdard educational and charitable trust, Hubli |
4 |
K.D Asgaonkar, S.M Patil. Ayush Khater*,Kshitija Abhang |
Oral-Entry Inhibitors: An unconventional approach in management of HIV using insilico studies.2nd Prize at 1st Student Research Congress under the theme“ Innovations for Better Health.SVKM’s Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy and Co-hosted by University of Mumbai,28th -30th Sept 2020 | N |
5 | K.D Asgaonkar, S.M Patil. Ayush Khater*,Kshitija Abhang* | National Level e-Poster Competition on “Transforming Global Health: Role of Pharmacist” held on the occasion of World Pharmacists Day 25th September 2020 organised by DR BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, LONERE, DIST. RAIGAD. |
N |
Presentations: 2019-2020 |
Sr. No. | Authors | Presentation Details (Oral / Poster, Title, Conference held at, Sponsor, Abstract no) | N/IN | |
Pharmaceutics | ||||
01. | Dr. M.R.Bhalekar, Pradnya Shirude | E poster on Intervention of nanotechnology in targeted drug delivery system, at Intervention of nanotechnology in targeted drug delivery system on 13 and 14 January, 2020. at Sinhgad college of Pharmacy, Sponsored by SPPU. | IN | |
02. | Dr. M.R.Bhalekar, Pradnya Shirude | Poster on BCUD Zonal research project competition ‘AVISHKAR ‘ Title- Targeted drug delivery system for 6 gingerol SLNs at CD44 receptor to treat rheumatoid arthritis ” “dated 12-1-20 | L | |
03 | Mrs. Reshma Mirajkar , Sanket Basate | Formulation Development of Sustained Release Epidural Injection of Analgesic Drug at Avishkar on 12/1/2020 | N | |
04 | Dr.Monica RP Rao, Sanskar Mahajan*, Tejal Gangwal | SPPU sponsored International Seminar on ‘ Intervention of nanotechnology in targeted drug delivery system’ at STES’s Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, on 13th and 14th January 2020. Title: “Solid self nano emulsifying drug delivery system of anti hypertensive drug” | IN | |
05 |
Dr.Monica RP Rao Abhijit Valvi*, Abhimanyu Utturkar |
Title of national workshop on – “Exploring the current advancement in chromatographic techniques” 17-18 January Dr.D.Y Patil institute of pharmaceutical sciences and research pune-411018. | N | |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry | ||||
06. | Kajal Kabra* M.C. Damle | A poster titled ” Method development for estimation of Hesperidin content in citrus peel extract, formulation of a Transdermal Patch for Varicose Veins by QbD” presented at International Conference on Emmerging Trends in Delivery of Phytoconstituents and Ethnopharmacology-Validation of Traditional Medicine-II on 29th – 30th Novemeber 2019 at Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune | N | |
07. | M.C. Damle, Sayali Sheth | A poster titled ” Stability indicating HPTLC method for Active principle from Psoralea Corylifolia” presented at International Conference on Emmerging Trends in Delivery of Phytoconstituents and Ethnopharmacology-Validation of Traditional Medicine-II on 29th – 30th Novemeber 2019 at Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune | N | |
08. | M.C. Damle, Pushpraj Patil | A poster titled ” Method development for estimation of active principles from Nirgundi leaves” presented at International Conference on Emmerging Trends in Delivery of Phytoconstituents and Ethnopharmacology-Validation of Traditional Medicine-II on 29th – 30th Novemeber 2019 at Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune | N | |
09. |
M.C. Damle, Pooja Kalaskar |
e-poster titled “Stability indicating HPTLC method for Teriflunomide” presented at National Conference on “Exploring the current advancements in chromatographic techniques” by Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research on 17th -18th January 2020 | N | |
10. | M.C. Damle Pooja Kalaskar | e-poster titled “Stability indicating HPTLC method for Sofosbuvir and Velpatasvir” presented at National Conference on “Exploring the current advancements in chromatographic techniques” by Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research on 17th -18th January 2020 | N | |
11. | M.C. Damle, Nivedita Pawar | e-poster titled “Stability indicating HPTLC method for Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir” presented at National Conference on “Exploring the current advancements in chromatographic techniques” by Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research on 17th -18th January 2020 | N | |
12 | Santosh V. Gandhi , Akshay R. Pahade | Oral presentation of research work entitled “Comparison of Chemometric-assisted UV Spectrophotometric and RP-HPLC method for simultaneous determination of Beclomethasone Dipropionate and Salbutamol Sulphate” at International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemometrics held at Hotel Sheraton Grand organized by School of Pharmacy, MIT-WPU between 6-8th February 2020. (Paper Code CHE01, Page 17 of ICORTIC 2020 Souvenir) | IN | |
13 | Santosh V. Gandhi ,Jyoti S. Galande* | Poster presentation of research work entitled “Stability Indicating HPTLC Method Development and Validation for Determination of Vandetanib” at state level seminar on Systematic Approach to Spectral Interpretation organized by Seth Govind Raghunath Sable College of Pharmacy, Saswad between 8-9 January 2020 | State | |
14 | Santosh V. Gandhi ,Priyanka M Pardeshi * | Poster presentation of research work entitled “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating HPTLC Method for the Estimation of Ledipasvir” at SPPU sponsored state level seminar on Systematic Approach to Spectral Interpretation organized by Seth Govind Raghunath Sable College of Pharmacy, Saswad between 8-9 January 2020 | State | |
15 | Santosh V. Gandhi ,Mohini S More* | Oral presentation of research work entitled “Stability Indicating HPTLC Method Development and Validation for Analysis of Prucalopride Succinate” at SPPU sponsored national workshop on “Exploring the Current Advancement in Chromatographic Techniques” organized by Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. Pimpri, Pune-411018 between 18-19 January 2020 | N | |
16 | Santosh V. Gandhi ,Shradha P Chaudhari* | Oral presentation of research work entitled “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating HPTLC Method for the Estimation of Riociguat” at SPPU sponsored national workshop on “Exploring the Current Advancement in Chromatographic Techniques” organized by Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. Pimpri, Pune-411018 between 18-19 January 2020 | N | |
17 | Santosh V. Gandhi ,Shubhada Kailas Jagdale* | Oral presentation of research work entitled “Estimation of Lamivudine, Efavirenz and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate in combination with chemometric assisted UV spectrophotometric method” at International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemometrics held at Hotel Sheraton Grand organized by School of Pharmacy, MIT-WPU between 6-8th February 2020. (Paper Code CHE03, Page 19 of ICORTIC 2020 Souvenir) | IN | |
18 | Santosh V. Gandhi ,Jyoti S. Galande* | Oral presentation of research work entitled “Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Omeprazole and Domperidone in Capsule Dosage Form by Chemometric Methods” at International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemometrics held at Hotel Sheraton Grand organized by School of Pharmacy, MIT-WPU between 6-8th February 2020. (Paper Code CHE04, Page 20 of ICORTIC 2020 Souvenir) | IN | |
19 | Santosh V. Gandhi ,Shradha P. Chaudhari* | Oral presentation of research work entitled “Chemometrics-Assisted UV Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Tadalafil and Dapoxetine HCl in Tablet Dosage Form” by at International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemometrics held at Hotel Sheraton Grand organized by School of Pharmacy, MIT-WPU between 6-8th February 2020. (Paper Code CHE05, Page 21 of ICORTIC 2020 Souvenir) | IN | |
20 | Bhairavi Bakhle ,Ayush Khater, Kshitija Abhang, K. D. Asgaonkar, S. M Patil | Poster and Oral presentation.METRxplore 2019 at MET’s Institute of Pharmacy, Nashik held on 08/02/2020. Entry Inhibitors: An unconventional approach in management of HIV using in silico studies. | Regional | |
21 | Ayush Khater, Kshitija Abhang, K. D. Asgaonkar, S. M Patil | Poster Presentation at Avishkar 2019 , held on 21/01/2020 at SPPU. Molecular docking tool:- Development of entry inhibitors as Anti –HIV agents using Insilico tool. | University Level | |
22 | Ayush Khater, Kshitija Abhang, K. D. Asgaonkar, S. M Patil | Poster Presentation at Avishkar 2019 held on 12/01/2020 at D Y Patil College of Art, commerce and science. Development of entry inhibitors as Anti –HIV agents using Insilico tool. | Regional | |
23 | Bhairavi Bakhle, K. D. Asgaonkar, S. M Patil | Poster Presentation at Avishkar 2019 held on 21/01/2020 at SPPU. Molecular docking tool:-Comparative study of some Pyrazine-Thiazolidinone Derivatives as Entry Inhibitors in treatment of HIV. | University |
Presentations: 2018-2019 |
Sr. No. | Authors | Presentation Details (Oral / Poster, Title, Conference held at, Sponsor, Abstract no) | N/IN | |
Pharmaceutics | ||||
1. |
MirajkarReshma, Dhavale Kalyani, , Kurkute Rutuja, Madgulkar Ashwini
Formulation And evaluation of Sustained Release Intra-articular injection of Tramadol Hydrochloride . Avishkar 2018. Oral presentation
N | |
2. | A R Madgulkar, M R Bhalekar,YogeshRevachanadni,Vishal Raskar, Tejaswini Jagtap | Formulation of Lipid Nanoparticle for CD4 Receptor Targeting in Rheumatoid Arthiritis | N | |
3. | AR Madgulkar, M R Bhalekar | Formulation of Piperine microemulgel and its evaluation for treatment of Vitiligo | N | |
4. | A R Madgulkar, M R Bhalekar, Shagufta Shaikh,Sumedh Pradhan , Prachi Khabiya | Formulation and Evaluation of Chitosan Based mucoadhesive buccal patch of Prochlorperazine | N | |
5. | A R Madgulkar, M R Bhalekar, Dnyanada Bathe, Siddharth Bhalerao | Preparation of Mouth dissolving tablet of BCS class II drug | N | |
6. | MRP Rao, Kadam Manali, Rao Shivani,Abhishek Zope*, Mayuri Magar | Oral presentation at Synapse 2018 at AISSMS College of Pharmacy, PuneTitle: Formulation and evaluation of topical formulation for Cutaneous Tuberculosis | N | |
7. |
MRP Rao, priyanka rao shivani,pooja karanjkar sayalikulkarni |
Oral presentation at Synapse 2018 at AISSMS College of Pharmacy, Pune,itle: Formulation and Evaluation of Antifungal Proniosomal Gel for Oral Candidiasis | N | |
8. | MRP Rao, sourabh rohom, bhagyashree kulkarni, mayuri panse, riya keskar | Oral presentation at METxplore 2019 at MET College of Pharmacy, NASIK,Title: Development of Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery System OF ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUG | N | |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry | ||||
9. | Anand Singhal, M.C. Damle | Poster titled “Development and validation of Stability indicating HPTLC method for Etravirine HCl” presented at Natioanl Level convention “APTICON-2018” held at Jaipur on 5th-6th Oct. 2018 | N | |
10. | Pranav Uttekar, Priyanka Gavli, Mrinalini C. Damle | oral presentation titled “Absorption correction method for simultaneous extimation of Domperidone and Ilaprazole” presented at State Level competition “SYNAPSE-2018” held at AISSMSCOP on 16th Oct. 2018 | N | |
11. | Pranav Uttekar, Mrinalini C. Damle | Oral presentation titled “Development and validation of HPTLC method for Etravirine HCl” presented at State Level competition “SYNAPSE-2018” held at AISSMSCOP on 16th Oct.2018 | N | |
12. | Anand Singhal, Shivani Jadhav, M.C. Damle |
Poster titled “Nootropic activity of Spinach leaves” presented at National Level convention “70th IPC-2018” held at Amity University, Noida on 21st-23rd Dec. 2018 |
N | |
13. | Komal Pardeshi, M.C. Damle | A poster titled ”Development and validation of analytical method to monitor Dissolution of Bepotastine Besylate tablet” presented at two days International Seminar on 4th-5th jan 2019 at Modern College of Pharmacy,Nigdi |
IN |
14. | Godse Mayuri, M.C. Damle | A poster titled ”Validated stability indicating HPLC method for Iguratimod” presented at two days International Seminar on 4th-5th jan 2019 at Modern College of Pharmacy,Nigdi |
IN |
15. | Swapnil Todkar, M.C. Damle | A poster titled ”Determination of Protocatachuic acid in Onion Peel extract by HPTLC” presented at two days State level Seminar on 11th-12 th jan 2019 at Alard College of Pharmacy,Hinjewadi | S | |
16. | Rasika Bhalerao, M.C. Damle | A poster titled ”Validated HPTLC method for estimation of Hesperidin” presented at two days State level Seminar on 11th-12 th jan 2019 at Alard College of Pharmacy,Hinjewadi | S | |
17. | Pranav Uttekar, M.C. Damle | Poster titled “Development and validation of HPTLC method for Etravirine” at MetExplore on 9th Feb 2019 | S | |
18. | Dr. Santosh Gandhi, Mayuri Pansare* | Poster presentation “Development and validation of UV spectrophotometric method for estimation of Terbuataline sulphate and Bromhexine HCl in combined dosage form”One day state level poster presentation competition “SYNAPSE 2018” organized by AISSMS College of Pharmacy on 16th October 2018. | S | |
19. | Dr. Santosh Gandhi, Gaurav Patil | Poster presentation “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating HPTLC Method for Estimation of Dapsone,, One day state level poster presentation competition “SYNAPSE 2018” organized by AISSMS College of Pharmacy on 16th October 2018. | S | |
20. | Dr. Santosh Gandh, Neha Sali, Shivam Jaiswal, Vipul Fegade, Vinod Gaikgwa | Poster presentation of research work entitled “Development and Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Method for Estimation of Cefuroxime and Linezolid in Combined Dosage Form” at 4th METRXPLORE 2019 (UG Research Conference) held at Bhujbal Knowledge City, MET’s Institute of Pharmacy, Nashik on 9th February 2019. | S | |
21. | Dr. Santosh Gandh, Mayuri Pansare, Nishant Kolhe, Bhagyashree Patil, Shruti Khandve | Poster presentation of research work entitled “Development and Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Method for Estimation of Terbuataline Sulphate and Bromhexine HCl in Combined Dosage Form” at 4th METRXPLORE 2019 (UG Research Conference) held at Bhujbal Knowledge City, MET’s Institute of Pharmacy, Nashik on 9th February 2019 | S | |
22. | K. D Asgaonkar, S.M.Patil, vaibahv Ghegade, A Saurabh Jadhav, Atharva Kulkarni, Sajid Sande. | SYNAPSE 2018- Oral Research presentation Competition held on16/10/2018 at AISSMS COP. Dual Activity by comparative docking studies of pyrazine-thiazolidinone pharmacophore derivatives. | S | |
23. | Mrs. S. M.PatilMr. Vaibhav Ghegade*,Mr. Atharva Kulkarni*,Mr. Saurabh Jadhav*,Mr. Sajid Sande* | Oral Presentation, Dual action of pyrazine thiazolidinone based derivaties as Anti-HIV and anti-TB using molecular docking studies.One day state level Research Presentation Competition Synapse held at AISSMS college of Pharmacy on 16th october 2018 | S | |
Pharmacology | ||||
24. | Dr.Sachin Tembhurne, Swati Kolhe,Mayur Kale. | Assesment of cognitive enhancing activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Sesbania sesban on MSG induced excitotoxicity in experimental rats. One Day state level Research presentation compitation ,Synapse 2018 | S |
Year | International | National | State | Local/Regional | Total |
2018-19 | 2 | 10 | 10 | 2 | 24 |
2019-20 | 9 | 9 | 2 | 3 | 23 |
2020-21 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
2021-22 | 23 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 29 |
2022-23 | 15 | 18 | 3 | 1 | 37 |
2023-24 | 7 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 19 |