
Pharmacognosy is a branch of applied science which involves systematic study of crude drugs obtained from plant animal and mineral sources. It draws inspiration from ethanobotany and ethanopharmacology in exploring newer crude drugs as medicine. Pharmacognosy deals with  scientific study of structural, physical, chemical & sensory characters of crude drugs. It also includes the study of their history, distribution, cultivation, collection, identification & authentication , preparation, microscopy ,extraction, evaluation, preservation & commerce. Aspects of quality, purity and standardization is now an inevitable part of study.  Pharmacognosy subject is part of  SY, T Y and Final year B.Pharm at various semesters as per PCI syllabus. Well-equipped laboratory admeasuring around 130 sq. mtrs. is totally designed according to the practicals being conducted as per PCI and SPPU requirements.



College has dedicated medicinal plant garden that is properly landscaped admeasuring around 100 sq. mtrs. with has more than 50 plant species maintained over years.



The pharmacognosy lab is displayed with around 25 charts, around 100 different Crude drugs, Dosage forms of the Alternative Systems of Medicine and the models, charts and displays  prepared by the students. The lab also has a Permanent Notice Board to display the medicinal plant of the month.



Thrust Areas:

  • Formulation and Evaluation of novel herbal and ayurvedic formulations.
  • Standardization of Phytoconstituents and herbal formulations



  • Students undertake inhouse project to explore newer formulations and drugs that are out of syllabus and participate in various intercollegiate competitions based on research.

Department Staff:

  1. Amruta N. Avalaskar (Assistant professor) : Total teaching experience 12 yrs , total publications :22, books  published :01
  2. Pradeep P. Sonawane: Total teaching experience 12 yrs, industrial experience 3.5 yrs , total publications :04
  3. Mrs Megha Shah: Total teaching experience 3.5 yrs , yrs , total publications :11

Support Staff:

  1. Ajay R. Kolambe (Lab Assistant)
  2. Mrs Madhuri Tapale (Lab Assistant)
  3. Pavan Kachi (Peon)